Women leaders: where are you?

I was invited to a significant number of workshops live and on-line this week on women in leadership. The fact that we need more women in leadership is an oxymoron. We now have robust data and it speaks for itself. Do you know the percentage of women CEOs among the Fortune 500? It is a […]

Going with the flow

As a leader, you might feel that going with the flow is the opposite of leading the way. Yet, going with the flow is often about opening up to new realities. There are essentially three reasons why you would want to go with the flow from a leadership position. Read more

Leadership: a time for everything

Much like in parenting, there are different phases in leadership. Let’s be clear: when you become a parent, you are parent forevermore. Well, once a leader always a leader! The job is far from static, though. As children grow, parenting roles change and you change with them. Where it really hits home is when a […]