Greatness and your leadership skills

Have you noticed how you have a sense – if not a clear definition – of what greatness means in your eyes? I am willing to bet though that you tend to attribute this greatness to others rather than yourself. In fact, we often see greatness as what separates us from these great people. In reality, if you see greatness in others, it is usually that this special trait also lives in you. As we all know, “it takes one to know one!” Nonetheless, there may be a difference insofar as great people in your eyes actually manifest their greatness, standing out as they share their vision with the rest of us. They allow themselves to be their true selves in the presence of others like yourself. I would venture to say that the reason their greatness pulls you is that it lives in you. So acts of greatness reveal leadership skills as they inspire something in others.

So what does it take to let our greatness come out? Let me touch on three specific drivers of greatness, which also serve as leadership skills. Read more