We all know that when the sun is not visible, it is shining somewhere else. Whether the clouds are blocking our views or the night has fallen, we know that the sun will return. We also experience periods of gloom and darkness that make us lose sight of the light, but hope is the promise […]
Leading the way towards a different Christmas
I am not looking forward to Christmas this year. This will be a Christmas without my son, who is stranded in another country, without a sense of gathering, without the madness of shopping in this busy time and preparing for some big celebration. Read more
Experiencing uncertainty
As I reflect upon the past six months, it feels like a period muddled and unfocused. I am actually unable to distinguish what I did. I can, however, reconnect with the feelings of it all. As I look to the next six months, I am already prepared for a period of fog, where moving through […]
Leadership is shining your light
I grew up always attracted by the light in people’s eyes. I felt so dazzled by the glimmer shining through these eyes. Yet, I noticed how often this light lies dormant on people’s faces, and I wondered what is it that stops this spark. Is it fears, or feeling inadequate? Is it sadness? Is it […]