Fellowship is crucial to humanity’s wellbeing. I belong to many small groups and thrive on gathering with like-minded individuals and being of service to people around me. At a time when real-life is interfering with our efforts to come together, nurturing or creating a sense of community will be essential. I believe the aspirations, interests […]
Vulnerability in leadership
I love to watch trees in the autumn. It used to be I liked them most because of the colours, notably in Canada! However, with age I notice in forests around me how trees grow wider each passing year. I see the bark they shed regularly, as they outgrow these boundaries. I reflect on how […]
Leadership and parenthood
Key characteristics of effective leaders in today’s world are rooted in mindfulness, selflessness, and compassion. Parenthood is a tremendous asset in developing these characteristics. Read more
Leadership: it is not the title it is the job
In the past decades, I have occupied many positions with various levels of professional satisfaction. I discovered that a high-status job did not necessarily mean job satisfaction, but that positions that allowed me to live in accordance with my values and contribute something of myself ensured professional satisfaction. I understood that what I did was […]
Greatness and your leadership skills
Have you noticed how you have a sense – if not a clear definition – of what greatness means in your eyes? I am willing to bet though that you tend to attribute this greatness to others rather than yourself. In fact, we often see greatness as what separates us from these great people. In […]